Posts Tagged ‘plans’

spring knitting

March 12, 2008

New Knitty is up!

(Remember when you would find out about that several days after it had gone up from reading one of the knitting blogs you checked individually? You know, before Ravelry?)

I don’t find myself being so taken with spring and summer knitting patterns as I do with fall and winter patterns, so this issue of Knitty isn’t as exciting for me as some others. There’s obviously something brewing for Veronik Avery’s Lace Ribbon pattern though, as my friend’s activity page on Ravelry shows:

Ravelry Friend's Activity, 24 hours after Spring Knitty 08 was released

I’m almost done with the Poms (just have to knit the toe of the second sock and weave in all ends), and then I will be knitting the second of the gift socks I’m working on. In three weeks I have several long bus and plane trips planned, so I might be knitting Lace Ribbon with everyone else!