Posts Tagged ‘knitta’


February 29, 2008

Today I’m digging out pictures from a trip my girlfriend and I took a year ago to visit one of our best friends. We were seriously hating New York City and fled to the great state of Texas for a little vacay. I knitted my first pair of socks (rav link) on that trip and visited a really big yarn store and knit all over the city.

Here’s a picture of me and my clapotis in my favorite museum:

We not only visited the great state of Texas, we visited Houston, the home of Knitta, Please — which is basically the group that got me interested in public knitting.

That’s me knitting my socks in front of a tree wrapped in some sparkly sparkly knitting. All the trees in this cafe’s courtyard were wrapped in knitting and sparkly lights and most of the people sitting out there were just sitting among them as if it were the most normal thing in the world. I posed for pictures in front of almost all the knit tags we saw:

knitta please + me

This one area of Houston is thoroughly tagged with these crazy scraps of knitting, and it was really cool to walk around running errands and shopping and eating out and finding them on all the door handles, wrapped around trees and light poles, etc. Probably you’ve heard about Knitta before, but I just had to write about seeing them almost exactly a year before. I would love to go to one of the other cities they’ve tagged and hunt down their marks there.