Posts Tagged ‘knitty’

wip: lace ribbon scarf

May 4, 2008

As I previously predicted, this scarf has become my constant travel project. I’ve knit it through all my recent travelling, and on my new commute. For example, here I am knitting it in Tulsa, OK:

Photo 76

(The sun really blasts out the corner there, sorry.)

The fun thing about knitting this scarf (Lace Ribbon by Veronik Avery if you don’t recognize it) as a traveling/KIP project is that people are really drawn to the color saturation of this yarn (Koigu KPM). GFF bought me this yarn for my birthday at the end of March, and the color choice is totally her doing, btw. I brought this scarf with me to work on during our coop work shift last weekend, and everyone who passed through the check out line commented on it. The shift consensus was that this colorway should be named either “Saffron” or “Chrysanthemum.”

pile o' scarf

The color of the yarn is actually pretty accurate there. It’s luminous, for real. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough of it to make the scarf as long as I want it. With two skeins, it’s not long enough to wrap around my neck. I think a third skein would make it wearable, but I’m going to have to put off buying the final skein for a while until I’ve got some more cash flow. And I came to the end of the yarn I have for it yesterday! So I have to find a new travel project for a while.

spread out

Look at that lace pattern, will ya? I can’t get over it, myself. I also can’t tell you how truly enjoyable I’ve found it to be! I memorized the pattern pretty quickly, despite it having a 24 row repeat. It’s simple enough to keep track of as a traveling project, but interesting enough that I can knit it for an hour or so without getting bored, even if I’m not listening to my ipod or whatever. I’m anxious to wear this scarf, but I’m going to be sad when I’m through knitting it.

Speaking of sadness when finishing a project…I did manage to finish my Rusted Root this weekend! It came together very quickly at the end (no seaming, natch), and I’ve already worn it out of the house, although it’s really in need of a good blocking. Not sure when I’m going to get it blocked, but once I do I’ll have GFF take some pics of me wearing it and report back to y’all. It’s not perfect, but it IS my first finished garment and I’m danged proud of it!

spring knitting

March 12, 2008

New Knitty is up!

(Remember when you would find out about that several days after it had gone up from reading one of the knitting blogs you checked individually? You know, before Ravelry?)

I don’t find myself being so taken with spring and summer knitting patterns as I do with fall and winter patterns, so this issue of Knitty isn’t as exciting for me as some others. There’s obviously something brewing for Veronik Avery’s Lace Ribbon pattern though, as my friend’s activity page on Ravelry shows:

Ravelry Friend's Activity, 24 hours after Spring Knitty 08 was released

I’m almost done with the Poms (just have to knit the toe of the second sock and weave in all ends), and then I will be knitting the second of the gift socks I’m working on. In three weeks I have several long bus and plane trips planned, so I might be knitting Lace Ribbon with everyone else!