Archive for February 21st, 2008

I’ve been using that voice that lets you know not to listen.

February 21, 2008

I’ve been thinking about starting a knitting blog for over a year, ever since I started reading knitting blogs from other people in Brooklyn. At this point I have over 70 blogs in my bloglines, I listen to Stash and Burn podcast every week, and I knit all the time…but I don’t have any knitting friends in my real life. Plus, my girlfriend does not share my knitting / pattern / yarn / stitch dictionary obsessions, and I’m basically starting to talk to myself about this stuff. I’m hoping this blog can help me cut back on the crazy talk.

Why knitwhere?  I am really drawn to public knitting/knitting in public, to knit graffiti, and to knitting groups.  I want to share my own knitting projects, yarn ruminations, and general knitting chatter, but I also plan to write about knitting from a perspective of the places that it can occur…and how those places have an impact on the process.  I also just love too-precious word play.